The following posts on the Saskatchewan Auto Fund 2014 rate proposal have been moderated to remove any personal information that would identify the person posting, and to remove any objectionable language. Comments are being posted dynamically after being moderated, so if you don't see your post right away, check back again. It may appear in the next batch of moderated posts.



DateSubmitted ViaComments
07-Mar-2014 Email

I am absolutely opposed to S.G.I.’s 2014 Rate Proposal!! I am concerned, and angry at Premier Wall, and the Provincial Government for permitting S.G.I. to continue to flagrantly ignoring investigation, and implementation, of a real and long term sustainable public policy that would end this continuous cycle of Autofund rate increases. The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel (SRRP) has made numerous recommendations and suggestions in recent years regarding alternative courses of action to curb escalating accident levels, and injury, and fatality costs. These costs are a direct result of individuals high-risk driving behavior, not the general population. S.G.I.’s inability to effectively deal with this issue, and manage the Auto fund, means the burden then falls directly on the shoulders of Saskatchewan taxpayers, year after year!!! Issues Summary: SGI has simply refused to take alternative and appropriate action with respect to the root cause of rising Auto Fund costs, high-risk vehicle operators. Long term changes in public policy such as appropriate financial penalties, an effective revision of the operators license demerit/reward system, license suspension, criminal charges still appear absent from SGI’s proposal. In place of effective public policy focused on safety, driver behavior, financial stability and recovery focused directly towards offending individuals, we have SGI returning yet again to the same old practice of forcing the taxpayers of this province to bear the burden of SGI inability to manage, the Auto Fund effectively. 2) General rate increases year after year has neither made drivers in Saskatchewan more responsible, nor safe. Saskatchewan roads and highways are even less safe than previous years, evidenced by fatality statistics, which continue to climb. How long must the people of this province bear the financial brunt of SGI’s inability to effectively initiate public policy that would make our streets and roads safer for everybody?? I have included for your consideration, what I believe to be a sound long term solution to the escalating accident, injury and death rates in this province. It is a behavior shaping, forward looking policy that puts consequences for behavior of high-risk motorists squarely on the shoulders of the individual where it belongs. This forward looking proposal mirrors policies and practices adopted in other jurisdictions and private enterprise. Strong public policy should reflect accountability and responsibility and not provide a masked socialist blanket, that protects offenders, and penalizes safety conscious taxpayers. R.A.G.E.'s Proposal (summary); License Demerits - Place financial demerits on high-risk drivers "driver's license" not the license plate, thereby initiating both an effective behavior shaping policy and a appropriately focused revenue stream. - Raise the dollar value on the demerit points to where they are more in line with to-days costs, and present a very real and effective consequence for high-risk driving behavior. - Extend the time-frame of demerit fees from a "one-time" cost, to multi-year financial demerit system, the time frame of which is commensurate with the severity of the offence. License Suspension - Reduce the number of driving infraction demerits an individual can accumulate on their driver's license before their license is suspended. - Demerits and fines associated with driving offence demerits must remain in effect through-out the term of suspension. Criminal Charges - Review the criteria for criminal charges related accidents, injury, and high-risk behavior causing death. Law Enforcement - Request law enforcement be more diligent in assessing fault and charging individuals "at the scene". According to law enforcement statisticians, police officers seldom assess fault, or charge individuals at the scene of an accident unless alcohol is involved. Conclusion: 1. Penalties for high-risk behavior would be appropriately focused and provide a substantial revenue stream, releaving the burden on the taxpayer. 2. Consequences of individual actions would be felt directly by, and only by the offending party. 3. Effective consequences have the potential to shape public behavior, or remove the offending individual from the ability to initiate risk, thereby increasing safety, reducing accidents, injury and fatalities, and stem escalating Auto Fund costs.

06-Mar-2014 Feedback form

Do not allow SGI to raise the rates for motorcycles. Last year they said no more rate increases for motorcycles and here we are again looking at another rate increase. To many rate increases and nothing being done to go after the high-risk drivers on motorcycles or in cars and trucks. Please refuse SGI another rate increase for motorcycles and all vehicles.

06-Mar-2014 Feedback form

No more rate increases for motorcycles or any other vehicles for that matter. Start punishing bad drivers not all drivers. Stiffen fines for infractions causing accidents. Put more effort into educating drivers and enforcing traffic laws.

06-Mar-2014 Feedback form

I am very disappointed in the overall management of this crown owned business. It appears that poor past performance is repeatedly compensated with "another rate increase". I believe that SGI requires an thorough audit by a third party with no interest in the corporation so that a true picture may be presented regarding the corporation's fiscal health. As one who registers several vehicle, one of them being a motorcycle, I have followed the rate increase saga for several years and I think we are being lied to by SGI. If I am wrong, then the information being presented is distributed by incompetent people because of the inconsistencies I noted. Perhaps a staff change is in order rather than another rate increase. Take some time to read what Wikipedia has to say about SGI, a crown corporation that was created to protect Saskatchewan residents from being gouged by private insurance. Oh how the times have changed. Determine the root cause of why rates need to be increased and deal with it. Rate increases are only a bandage to this hemorrhage. We need a skilled surgeon to stop the flow before our crown insurance company bleeds to death...

06-Mar-2014 Feedback form

 I would like to add my name to the list of Residents of Saskatchewan that believe the Review Committee seems to be just a token gesture to the people. The Panel members have made many good >recommendations< but the Minister and Government ignore all recommendations that don't fall into their program. The Outrageous License Increases to the Motorcycle Community borders on Criminal Usage. Loan companies and Pawn Brokers could possibly be in Court using the same outrageous increases that SGI has incurred on the Motorcycle Owners.

05-Mar-2014 Email

I really have trouble with these rate increases. I'm in Arizonia right now. I have 2 bikes plated down here. Plates are $21.95 per year. My Insurance is $159.00 per year. The insurance is the same coverage I get back in Sask. I made sure of that. Now here's my real question. 3 million people live in the Phoenix area. 1.1 million live in Sask. Here they have 6 lane freeways and 80mph speed limits. WHERE AM I LIKELY TO HAVE AN ACCIDENT??? I don't understand the SASK LOGIC to this question.  

05-Mar-2014 Feedback form

Regarding the Aug 31, 2014 proposed rate change. I feel that the rates are growing farther out of balance for older vehicle owners. In my situation I own a 2004 F150 4wd 4 door. The annual rate will increase to $1,343 from $1,238. The annual rate for a 2014 F150 4wd 4 door will decrease from $1,517 to $1,376. This is an 8.5% increase for 2004 owners, and a 9.3% decline for 2014 owners. The market value for a 2004 F150 similar to mine is approximately $15K on a good day. The market value of a 2014 F150 with similar options ranges from $40k to $50K. If my vehicle were involved in a collision, it would not take very much damage for SGI to write it off. I disagree with the concept that I have to subsidize newer vehicle owners. I choose to drive an older vehicle to save myself money. My vehicle is worth a third of a newer vehicle, but my rates will be the same as the 2014 vehicle.

04-Mar-2014 Email

To whom it may concern;       My question is to why once again the increases by SGI . Sgi went against the recommendations of the review panel last year and implemented their increases, and yet again they believe it should increase another 6%.  My question is why??  Why are they allowed every year to hit the people of the province for their shortcomings?  The fact is there is no focus on training these drivers, no real penalties for accidents even when they include death, so why must we pay.   If they would focus on the training new drivers 2 wheeled and 4 wheeled to understand sharing the road, what to be aware of and most of all to pay attention to what’s around you and not your cell phone. There would be less accidents. Everyday I see people texting and talking on their phones, reaching for something in the passenger seat, fixing their make up, not realizing that they have just wandered into the next lane obviously hoping someone else is paying attention to avoid the accident that most often occurs. Focus on more information to the new drivers, stiffer penalties for cell phone use, numerous tickets and accidents. No one will ever learn from their mistakes if there is no punishment given to them, and by throwing the increase blanket across the province says everyone else receives the punishment that should be focused on the few.    Start focusing on what changes need to made to make a better society of new drivers.  Instead of increasing our plates every year with the explanation of we need to “replenish the auto fund.”  We put out to much for rehab and scars.  Body shops are charging more so you have to pay for it. Every year it is a new reason (excuse) for increases, with no show of improvement in the auto fund.     The fact is you haven’t seen any money from the last increase on motorcycles and yet before we even get our plates we find that there is more punishment to come.  Before you decide to increase again would it not make sense to see what monies are coming in, instead of the speculation of being in the hole before we even get started.   If you can’t quit the increases, maybe it should be time to allow competition into Saskatchewan and allow the people to decide who insures them.  Either that or charge us according to our own driving records and not of that of the whole province of drivers.  If we all paid by our records, the bad drivers would be punished with high amounts and the good drivers would benefit for good habits.    

04-Mar-2014 Voicemail

Sasktel Voice to Text

I was part of the reap review panel process last year maybe the presentation to you in Regina concerning motor cycle ride. My understanding was that your panel recommend with SGI not proceed with the 15% rate increase last year until the results of the committee motorcycle committee were known but they choose to ignore your recommendation and implemented that increase or which I will be paying 15% more the spring when I license. Now they're asking for another 6% in this year which means that'll be paying 21st that I was over there prebio(?). She hear when she means a little bit of glass 2007. My rates have gone a hundred percent. I am asking you to please turn down there request for a rate increase this year and to tell them to get the head screwed on right if you wanna respond that would be great. Been involved with a lot information processing SGI on there unfair treatment of motorcycles in the province. Appreciate your effort and thank you.

03-Mar-2014 Email

I think that these rate increases are out of line, and seems like you are trying to get motorcyclist off the road. Does any one at SGI that is pushing this increase even ride ? I have been riding motorcycles for over 30 years and have had a near prefect driving record. I drive a 1700cc hwy bike and when I first got insurance on my bike it was around 90 a month in 08 and I also have put package policy on it in which costs my over 200 a year. And then you increased it to over a 100 then the next you went up again and again and again... Now it costs me 140 per month with my drivers discount.. And will be going up yet again..... SGI makes millions of dollars of this province each year and for the most part we have a system to give is low rates... But now you seam to want to single out the people who enjoy riding motorcycles. I do not know why you don't have a limited coverage like you do with sleds. Only have liability and that's it for they people that want it . And for people that want extra coverage they can get a package policy that covers personal injury and personal vehicle repairs. I would be willing to pay 100 per month to ride my bike and have to pay 350 for the personal and vehicle repairs. But it seams like SGI is just out to make more money even tho SGI makes huge profits .. Maybe you should get out beat up vehicles off the road . And I would like to know what the statistics are on the right hand drive vehicles that have come to sask. How many where plated in sask and how many where in accident / wrote off ? And some one told me ( at a sgi insurance issuer) that the reason for they rate increases where also because we only insure for a few months at a time.? But yet I can buy a two door sports car and do the same.. I can plate a 2009 BMW Z4 300 hp for less then my 07 bike. Well I will say this, you have hurt the sales of newer motorcycles in Saskatchewan and have put older and chances are unsafe motorcycles back on the road. And if the rate goes up I hope no one plates there bikes for the summer .. And see how that might hurt your profits.

03-Mar-2014 Feedback form

It would be nice if Sgi would just leave the rates , what they are! Make people accountable for there actions , why does everybody have to pay for it! Just my opinion !!!

02-Mar-2014 Email

We just had a rate adjustment a year ago. Now they are coming again? If certain classes of vehicles are draining the fund inordinately, then target those vehicles (motorcycles come to mind).

28-Feb-2014 Email

SGI needs some competition! In a country built with capitalism. Why does SGI get to wright their own rule book. SGI a monopoly run like a true social program, ignore the real problem, take from one pocket to fill the other. Works good till the first pocket goes empty and you still have a problem. They are not listening because they think they don't have to. Because we don't have a choice and with out a choice we don't have a voice. I know we don't all have the time to go to meetings and fight the paper fight. But like any revolution we have to show them our numbers. A Rally of RAGE at the parliament building in Regina. I think we should all try and find the time to ride in support of those fighting with the pen. Show them our numbers all of us make some noise. An appropriate action in a country built on democracy. Remember most revolutions look like an act of disobedience at first. But disobedience requires a master and a slave. I for one have become very tired of what our democracy has become. If we can even call it that any more. Tired of them trying to make me their slave!

27-Feb-2014 Email

Everything written in the bottom paragraphs is true but SGI has no right to say "Making roads safer" when in reality, they could careless about families and people and would rather have money than safety. I've truly lost faith in SGI and they're no different than the terrible CEO's running Walmart, etc. These guys are hired to make our roads safer but simply aren't do this easy task. This is another reason why I plan on leaving this province. SGI's solution is a Turkey. It won't fly!Premier Wall...rate increase after rate obviously not a solution!!! Simply returning to the "Public Well" in Saskatchewan for more "Money" again, and again, is an old old school of thought. SGI has more responsibility in this province than just collecting more and more money from the electorate of this province to cover up their inability to effectively manage the public policy associated with safety, penalties and criminal consequences for individual driver behavior in Saskatchewan!!! This is not JUST a MotorCycle or MotorCyclist issue, it is an OVERALL Traffic & Safety and Public Policy Issue that SGI Executive are clearly unable to effectively manage!! Saskatchewan hi-ways are not becoming safer, the death toll in this province is not dropping, there has been no effective legislation tabled to effectively manage the carnage on our roads, streets and hi-ways!! SGI is more than a Collective Insurance scheme! SGI is also responsible for Licensing, and Penalties up to and including criminal conviction....yet year over year SGI has remained ineffective at curbing accident rates, hi-risk driving behavior, or focusing on the ACTIONS OF THE INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBLE!!! It is time to introduce effective policy that is focused in the Individual Behavior, to hold those accountable causing accidents, injury and vehicular fatalities to escalate!! Make the bad drivers accountable and pay for THEIR actions. Vehicles aren't to blame...BAD DRIVERS are!Raising insurance rates in Saskatchewan 2% or 200% will not...WILL NOT...change what is happening on our streets and roads!! The actions of a few are being covered up, and enabled by raising rates of the many!! Wake-up Premier Wall...your Executive at SGI is in-effective!!! As long as consequences for HIGH-RISK DRIVING BEHAVIOR in this Province is minimized, as it is today......we will continue to see damage, injury, and death rates escalate!!! Maybe it's time for a change......Real Change.......and not just at SGI!!!

26-Feb-2014 Email

I was recently in an accident where the other driver was in the wrong and was given a ticket by the RCMP. Yes I did hit him from behind and I will not go into too many details. The point I am trying to make is why is SGI not only refusing to pay for the total loss of my vehicle AND paying for the repairs to an out of province Semi truck that I’m sure will cost an arm and a leg, when the truck driver was ticketed for being in the wrong? SGI wants to raise rates. Maybe they should look into the circumstances of some accidents more closely and then the money we pay to SGI will stay in province in this case. I was told that SGI pays out of province claims for instances like this a lot of the time. No SGI increase until they change the way claims are paid. Thank you.

25-Feb-2014 Email    Once again motorcyclists are getting “special” treatment from SGI. Every year my motorcycle goes down in value & SGI wants another $90 or so for insurance. With the new proposed rate for my motorcycle I will be paying over $300 a month based on a 6 month riding season (if we get 6 months!). I don’t believe another 6+% rate hike is fair. It would be interesting to find out the actual monies paid out for motorcycle repair or replacement by SGI.          
25-Feb-2014 Email

Hi there,

I am very concerned with the recent request from SGI to increase the auto fund rates.  This would be the third year in a row for a rate "rebalancing", but this year seems to be the biggest increase yet.  I feel the company is being misleading by saying the average increase will be $49.

I have reviewed the rate changes for private passenger vehicles. I have found that many small to midsize cars that are 5 years old or less are potentially being hit with anywhere from a 12% to just under 18% increase.  Depending on the car, the peak amount of the rate increase may apply anywhere from the 2009 to 2013 model year.

The list of cars this includes (but is not limited to): Dodge Avenger, Dodge Caliber, Dodge Dart, Ford Fiesta, Ford Focus, Ford Fusion, Chevy Cruze, Chevy Cobalt, Honda Civic, Kia Forte, Mazda 3, Nissan Versa, and Pontiac G5.

Will these rate increases be capped at a certain level? I personally have a 2012 Ford Focus, on which the rates will go from $1,077 to $1,268 or an increase of $191 (17.73%). This is rather steep by anyone's standards. Many people in the province drive one of the above listed vehicles, will the rate review panel stand for this increase on top of a SaskPower increase and steep property tax increases in many communities?

There are some vehicles that are potentially receiving large decreases 9% to 13% range. They are all premium vehicles including (but is not limited to): GMC Yukon Denali, Lincoln Navigator, Cadillac Escalade, Mercedes ML63 AMG, Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8, and Mercedes SLS Coupe.

I don't have a problem with the existence of SGI, they generally serve the people of Saskatchewan well. Private insurers in other jurisdictions don't necessarily treat their customers any better than SGI treats us. People in other provinces have the option to jump ship and switch to another insurance carrier when they aren't happy. In an open competition market, there will always be some company willing to take on a customer for a cheaper premium (at least for the first year or two until they have a history with the customer). SGI needs to look at how it treats good drivers versus poor drivers, so people feel they are being treated more fairly.

Rather than have a standardized discount/ surcharge system like we currently have with SDR (Safe Driver Recognition), SGI should move to "black box" rating of customers on an individual basis. The vehicle a person drives should only form a portion of their insurance premium. Each individuals driving record should also be taken into account in determining their insurance premium. Let's have SGI introduce telematics systems for drivers in SK (like "Snapshot" from Progressive Insurance in the USA). Let drivers give SGI the opportunity to see how they drive and prove how good of drivers they are. If the telematics showed safe driving habits, perhaps SGI could offer larger discounts than 20%, maybe 25, 30 or 35%. On the flip side, if drivers records are more neutral or poor, they could pay a neutral or surcharged rate.  By moving to a more dynamic rating  system, people would pay a premium closer to the actual risk they present to the insurer.

I understand that SGI faces rising claims costs, injury payments and body shop labour rate increases. I also understand that the auto fund must maintain a certain amount of capitalization. What I question is the means by which the increase is being sought. A blanket rebalancing of rates is the quick and easy method in my mind. Raise most vehicles rates up by varying amounts and reduce rates on a smaller amount of vehicles by varying amounts and achieve an "overall" rate increase of the desired amount. Is this the fairest and most equitable way to achieve a rate increase? I would argue no. It's about time SGI started charging drivers a premium commensurate with their individual risk. They already have mountains of data by which they can evaluate drivers risk and by investing in telematics (which they've tried for motorcycles, but not passenger vehicles??) they can refine and personalize premiums even further.

SGI must have the capability to achieve this, within the framework of a crown corporation. Not only would it strengthen the auto fund, but I also believe it would improve consumers opinions of SGI going forward.

I have taken the liberty of creating tables to demonstrate the increases and decreases I mentioned above. All numbers come from SGI's own tables from the public website.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Make / Model

Current Premium

Proposed Premium

Dollar Increase

Percentage Increase


Dodge Avenger






Dodge Caliber






Dodge Dart






Ford Fiesta






Ford Focus






Ford Fusion






Chevy Cruze






Chevy Cobalt






Honda Civic






Kia Forte






Mazda 3






Nissan Versa






Pontiac G5








Make / Model

Current Premium

Proposed Premium

Dollar Decrease

Percentage Decrease


Mercedes SLS Convertible






Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8






Lincoln Navigator






Cadillac Escalade






GMC Yukon Denali

1705 & 1692

1505 & 1472

200 & 220

11.8% -13%


Mercedes ML63 AMG





23-Feb-2014 Facebook

"I do not think this proposal is fair. This increase affects a most vehicles where only a select few will see a decrees and some will not be affected. They should consider increasing all rates so that there will not be such a rate shock. If it does go up. According to this proposal, rates will increase over $100 per year for one plate insurance."

20-Feb-2014 Feedback form

Copy of my words to SGI.

I am extremely frustrated with SGI insurance the last couple of years.  The premiums keep going up, but the good driver points top out.  I’ve never had a claim ever yet I am paying as if I am running into someone every other day.  These increases are unacceptable.

So to save some extra cash so I can keep paying SGI Auto I have cancelled my home insurance with SGI and switched to a different company with a better policy for less money.  If I had the option to do that with my vehicle insurance you bet I would do that too.

Here are some suggestions for you.

Tell Brad Wall to pound sand when he robs SGI to balance his budget.

Increase the good driver points so we are not paying through the nose for the bad drivers.

Nail the bad drivers harder than what you are doing now!

Use your endless stats to figure out who the worse driver group is and ramp up their rates.

I see no reason why the rest of us have to put up with these high increases yet our wages don’t keep pace.  I need to find another $500 this year to pay for all increases coming my way that have been no fault of my own and no one is concerned that my wage should go up to cover all this.






20-Feb-2014 Feedback form

 Thank you for the opportunity to voice my opinion. I can only hope it will make a difference. I own a 1993 Chev 1/2 ton (20 yrs old). I keep the truck in excellent running condition. Since Jan/13 the rates on my truck have gone up $140 ($666 to $806; approx 20%). I do not understand why the percentage rate increase for my old vehicle is so high!!! Because I am retired my vehicle is not on the road as much as someone who is working. If anything did happen to my old truck, it is apparent to me that SGI would not consider the vehicle to be eligible for repair. If SGI wrote it off (which is also doubtful) the cost would be next to nothing. I fail to grasp the logic applied to my last rate increase and fear that same logic may apply to a future rate increase.

19-Feb-2014 Email

Hi.  I would appreciate being directed to whomever can provide an explanation for the very steep annual increases over the past three years for my personal vehicle insurance.  The plate rate on my 1988 Honda Accord rose 42% from 2012 to 2014, including an 18% increase from 2012 to 2013.  I was told by an SGI agent that this exorbitant increase was likely due to predominant use of this age of vehicle by young drivers, but I am sceptical that the small number of vehicles of this age in the province would make for an statistical base for assessment.

I would appreciate this message being forwarded to someone who can provide an explanation, or point to an appeal process.

19-Feb-2014 Voicemail

 I'd like to get some feedback on how my insurance rates for my 1988 Honda Accord have been going up approximate $100 a year for at least the last 3 years and all I was told by SGI was that we'll have to do with the accident rate although I can't imagine. I need an explanation of how that could those statistics could be generated given a very small number of those cars are still available. Anyway I appreciate some guidance on who I should talk to on this. Thanks."

18-Feb-2014 Voicemail

"Hi. I disagree totally with the rate increase. I drive a 27 year old car and I don't use SGI Services. I have own mechanic and I haven't yet. I can't afford to be paying that much for an older car.

17-Feb-2014 Feedback form

I am apalled, that in the seven years I have owned, insured, and maintained my 2006 GMC 2500HD pickup in Saskatchewan, that the insurance has INCREASED beyond what ANY reasonable competitive insurance system would possibly consider charging. I have a clean abstract, which keeps me employed, and yet, despite their increases, they seem to forget, the majority of GOOD drivers already at the top of their good driver's discount, are not receiving MORE of a discount, even though the rates are going up. I suspect there are many good drivers out there who are receiving a sizeable increase to their basic insurance rates even though the majority of us have not FILED any claims, been in any expensive incidents, have clean driving records. If the autofund is that short of money that you keep increasing the base price of insurance, then administering a "discount" for a good driving record seems like a farce to me. As far as I'm concerned your insurance system should do far more to offset those of us who have been victimized by your rate increases, having not filed for claims in years. Good drivers are the ones penalized by your across the board increases.. NOT the ones who have a habit of claiming damages for every little scratch. Furthermore hail and flood damage should be removed from the autofund entirely, because those damages alone are incredibly expensive acts of God, which should be optional like on a package policy, not lumped into what SGI seems to think we "need" in a basic and affordable insurance for mandatory minimum. You need to start stripping down the coverage to pl/pd, and stop messing around with our BASIC rates. Everything else you add to the picture, (like covering RV's) should be left to private insurance companies. These increases are unacceptable. With your proposed increases, I'm now effectively paying over 200 dollars more on my vehicle than the day I bought it.. and it's seven years old. There is no excuse for this. Increase the good driver's discount, and stop paying damages to RV's out of the autofund! Separate the property damage and acts of God from basic insurance.. most drivers don't need it, and certainly, don't deserve to be paying unaffordable rates for pl/pd.

16-Feb-2014 Feedback form

There has been absolutely no public notification if there have been public meetings for citizens to voice their opinion. It is the Panel's job to ensure reasonable opportunity exist for the public to voice their consent or opposition to such increases. The very low turnouts at Rate hearings/meetings etc is an indication of the poor job the Rate Review Panel is doing in informing, educating, and involving the public. For this reason, the proposed increase amounts to indirect taxation without consent.
