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24-Apr-2014 Email

Hello, I am opposed to the proposed SGI rate changes ( excessive increases) especially concerning motorcycles. I also think SGI should revisit the farm car discounts and farm plates as I feel rates should be the same irregardless of your location or occupation. thank you .

23-Apr-2014 Feedback form

The Corporation has too many parasites and freeloaders!! Who have huge salaries and massive expense accounts!! These people are CEOs, board members and administrators. They contribute nothing to the profitability and well being of the Corporation. They have never "really worked" a day in their life and come up with an "original idea" of their own.They disgust me!!

23-Apr-2014 Feedback form

 Hello I am presently a motorcycle rider, why I say presently, I may be forced to sell my bike. In a sad way in thankful for this crappy weather. I don’t have to plate my bike. I ride a 2009 street bob and have my full M endorsement. This bike as it stands will cost me 135.00 a month to insure. On top of my monthly loan, ins and plates, this is costing me over $400 a month. I was thankful to see the rules change for motorcycle learners, that’s a blessing. If SGI increases rates on motorcycles this will not only affect motorcyclists it will affect SGI’s revenue. No plates, no ins, no nothing. There goes your increase and surplus AND you will save me $400. The more I think about it, go for it! People will use the “screwdriver plate” to ride. That's scary! (screwdriver plate, switch plate from bike to bike) I do believe and feel that the fault should fall on the DRIVER and not the insured vehicle. If I drive your car and get into an accident, I get off scott free, you don’t. This would be your ins, your premiums, so long sucka. LOL I apologize for the my dry humor, making light of a sticky situation. This however doesn’t seem right. I feel people would then smarten up if they knew they were SOLEY responsible. Accountability!! I empathize with SGI and the issues you are up against. You can’t make everybody happy. Do what you can, however I ask you put yourself in our shoes. Through trial and error and time, things will get better. Good luck!

23-Apr-2014 Facebook

 I have been in Canada for two years. I have lived all over the USA and most of the world and I am outraged by the rates charged for motorcycle insurance here. I pay $600 a year for $100 deductible full coverage in Arizona and I pay $175.00 a month here....perhaps this crown corp needs to be taken over by the private sector...Geico could do one hell of good job here. It is too bad that there was not supposed to be an increase and yet my rates went up $25.00 this year (a month). Something is extremely out of order here... (here being Saskatchewan)

22-Apr-2014 Email

As a Driver and Vehicle Owner in Saskatchewan I am absolutely opposed to SGI's 2014 Rate Proposal.

21-Apr-2014 Feedback form

I am writing this but at times I wonder why, because last year SGI all but ignored the recommendations from the SRRP so why do we even have the panel if SGI is not mandated to accept and follow the recommendations? We have the highest death rate in vehicle accidents in the country and SGI is trying to figure out why, really, they don't know, well most of us can tell you, we have the worst drivers in the country and we have the least enforcement in the country, 2 for 2 and you get death by vehicle. We need stiffer fines, people caught driving without lic should have their car impounded, points on lic not vehicle registration. To hell with blitz weeks how about we ticket bad drivers ever day, novel concept I know. I can pick any intersection in this city and video tape it all day long and I would be able to ticket well over a 100 drivers, running red lights when turning right, speeding to get thru and amber light....people have no understanding or concept what happens to the human body when in an accident until they are in one, then it is to late. SGI is doing nothing or at best band aide solutions to an increasingly huge problem and should be charged with manslaughter for sitting on their hands and butts for so long, enough is enough, charge the people responsible and let the good drivers and riders enjoy what they have earned, affordable insurance.

19-Apr-2014 Email

Dear Sirs, I am disgusted at the amount of the rate increase on Motorcycle plates. 1. You should be nailing the guys more for their plates that are having all the accidents. I have been accident free for 40 years and feel I should not have to pay the same amount of increase as the people who have had numerous accidents. 2. When I watch the reports and pictures on TV news of accidents between vehicles and motorcycles at least 7 out of 10 times the other vehicle is at fault but you are blaming the motorcyclists for them and so are the Police. 3. Another thing that really frustrates me is your discount system. I and many others feel when you have an accident and it goes on your insurance the discount should only be taken away from the vehicle that the insurance claim is against. IT SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN OFF ANY VEHICLE THAT IS NOT INVOLVED IT THE ACCIDENT OR CLAIM as there is no cost to the insurance of the other vehicle. A farmer or person who has several vehicles realloy gets it in the neck. Thank you.

16-Apr-2014 Feedback form

 I think SGI should be basing their rates on the individual's driving record and age, not on the type of vehicle one drives. There are a lot of bad drivers and they should pay more for their insurance. I consider myself a fairly good driver but I am still paying as much as a young and inexperienced driver for the same vehicle. That seems kind of unfair.

15-Apr-2014 Feedback form

 This is to inform you people that SGI has already been increasing peoples rates. I had no claims against me or my car. In 2012 I paid $513.00 in 2013 I paid $596 I checked the sgi rate calculator and for 2014 it will be $690 !! before the rate increase. I did not go back to 2011 or sooner

13-Apr-2014 Email

VEHICLES DO NOT cause this insurance to be needed and used....DRIVERS do!


2. NO Rate Increases to Motorcycles UNTIL the results of the implemented changes are known! Cartmell himself has said there will be a 20% reduction in accident and injury claims as a result!!! NO MORE INCREASES!

3. ROLL our RATES Back to pre-2012!

4. ALL Personal Insurance should be on our drivers's licences NOT our vehicles
Thank you
12-Apr-2014 Email

After making nearly 39,000,000 last year and most of my SGI registrations went up 30 to 33% last year, I cant beleve you could even try to ask for another 6.4%. Give your head a shake and let my wages catch up to your ridiculous rate increases.NOT IMPRESSED!!!!

11-Apr-2014 Email

Dear Sir or Madam:

The interesting part in all this is that WHEN our Insurer needs to increase funds due to “High-Risk” behavior (increased injuries, claims, damages, etc.) they only do so on the vehicles. Not since 2003 has there been a change to increasing the fees on Drivers Licenses which would be paid by those directly demonstrating “High-Risk” behavior!  R.A.G.E. has come up with a solution for the continued shortfall and ever increasing rates on our vehicles.

Simply bring back what was taken away in 2003. The 3-year “High-Risk” surcharge on Drivers Licenses for those who exhibit high-risk driving behavior.

LEAVE our vehicle plates alone!

This addresses ALL driver behavior. Not vehicles, but those who drive them. ALL of us!

Yours truly
11-Apr-2014 Email

 I am writing to you to voice my opposition to SGI trying to increase rates for motorcycles, again, for the 3rd time in 3 years. The RAGE group and several others have come up with numerous logical methods that SGI could implement to correct the issues at hand however they keep turning a blind eye and simply want to keep cranking the wheel and turning up prices. For the love of god please do not allow them another rate increase that will have no effect other than enraging motorcyclists in this province. The time has come to properly train new motorcyclists and also to start actually punishing bad drivers of all types of vehicles who are the real problem. Thank you.

10-Apr-2014 Email

Hello, I am getting really tired of motorcycles being penalized and targeted by SGI in the rate increases. My brother recently registered a Harley Davidson cruiser and I found the rates were higher for it than when I had my 600cc sport bike a few years ago. This is getting ridiculous. Before motorcycle rates are increased, see how many of the motorcycle accidents are actually caused by cars or other vehicles. Motorcyclists cannot text and ride but it sure is easy for a car to do so and hit a motorcyclist. I have never crashed a motorcycle in my years of riding (7) but have found that every time I have had a close call, it has been because of another vehicle's carelessness, not my carelessness. I doubt that this taken into account when SGI jacks up their rates. The answer to increasing motorcycle insurance claims is not penalizing all motorcycle riders, but educating the public in regard to motorcycles. Here in Saskatoon, there has been shown an utter lack of respect towards other motorists, let alone motorcyclists! This is shown through people running late, late yellow lights, not signalling at all, cutting people off, etc. The list goes on. I am genuinely surprised that SGI does not try to help motorcyclists get respect and recognition on the roads but instead penalizes them. The answer is not raising rates, it's cracking down on the people that get motorcyclists into accidents.  Please stop raising rates.   Thank you, Mark.

09-Apr-2014 Email

I am probably one of the few motorcyclists who does understand SGI's position.  I hope the changes over the past year will help drop rates.  According to the SGI website, rates themselves seem they will be static, but I do think there is a flaw with the 2014 fee increase to protect the reserve.

They said that mostly weather and storms (hail) really diminished it.  However, of the small percentage of vehicles being motorcycles, an extremely small amount would have had the type of claim the rate stabilization was affected by.As result, to cover unusual circumstances that drained the reserve, the increased fee to all motorcycles (but small total number) on top of the high rates we are trying to remedy, I feel is ineffective and in effect, motorcycles, however little, are subsidizing the general province wide motorpool expenditure that motorcycles were no a part of.

09-Apr-2014 Voicemail

"Yes basically to do with this ___. But they're proposing in there. It's gonna be in ___. What it was the last couple times for the older of vehicles. That was getting a 25% hike in the fees that they were paying for their licensing. That's the only unfair system. That should be based if it's gonna be a percentage I should be a present to cross tees the board and everything. If you're going to have a rate that's charging you. $700 for licensing the vehicle at the SGI it's only gonna value is $700. If you have a total lost. You're paying $1 feel for $1 order coverage. So it's gonna ___ 100% ___ vehicle is only paying Tennis per dollar a 60000 vehicle and you're holding on ___ be paying cents per dollar on our premium. It's non an fair system it's gonna change. Gotta be equal across the board. The other thing is gonna be in fact that some of their road side checks that their doing basically legal condition is less than $1 of the problem of pay to payout are for accident stuff. So basically the it's a waste of time money got the at police and SGI staff and convenience of the public. When they're tying to do kind of road schedule. It ineffective. It does not do anything as far it's ___"

09-Apr-2014 Email

I think luxury items(snowmobiles, boats, motorhomes etc ) should pay higher rates as they are not a necessity. Also cars over a certain dollar amount should pay more. If you can afford the luxury, you can afford to pay more.

09-Apr-2014 Email

I disagree with the increase of rates SGI is wanting to impose. Even a 49.00 a year increase for a pensioner is a lot. Some pensioners did not even receive that as an increase in pension in the last year , so for them it would be difficult . I believe that SGI does not have a balanced approach . Even 1/2 the increase would be fair. In conclusion I hope the relieve panel does not allow the increase and recommends SGI reduce the increase to 1/2 the request . Thank you

08-Apr-2014 Email

Dear Sir or Madame,

I need to protest the rate of insurance for motorcycles. I think that a person’s rate should be based on their driving record. I currently enjoy a 20% discount on my plates for being a safe driver and I resent being lumped in with all of the unsafe drivers out there. Please rethink this issue.

Thank you,
08-Apr-2014 Facebook

It is high time we band together to destroy sgi. I have little use for a corporation that bleeds money.

08-Apr-2014 Facebook

I think that Saskatchewan motorcyclists are getting a little fed up with the outrageous rates that we are paying...perhaps it is time to privatize....several of the SO CALLED...Crown Corporations.

08-Apr-2014 Facebook

Would be there a chance of holding a SRRP meeting for the SGI rate proposal in North Battleford?

08-Apr-2014 Facebook

Please refuse SGI the general rate increase. The cost of wage replacement does not to be paid by SGI. Make the wage replacement an option for those people that do not have an extended sick leave benefit from their employer. Wage replacement cost is a very large part of the SGI benefit our rates cover. If the wage replacement benefit is made an option the rates could decrease instead of going up each year and nothing changes.

08-Apr-2014 Email

SRRP PRESENTATION April 7th 2014 Good evening, my name is ? and I am an active motorcyclist in the province of SK. I am here to speak up against the unfair and unrealistic continuous rate increases not only on motorcycles but on all Vehicles. First off I would like to ask a few questions of the SRRP. 1. If your recommendations do not have to be followed by SGI, as we saw last year, when it was suggested that there be no more motorcycle rate increases, why do we go thru this farse of a rate review process, when in actuallity nothing is going to be done? 2. I realize that we are all here are a nice evening listening to a bunch of borrowing stats that in the long run most likely don't mean anything to SGI and they just want to go home and make sure the insurance hikes go thru and they all get their bonuses but Could we all show each other mutal respect and please put our cell phones away, are we not here for a reason other than twitting, texting or facebooking. You can ponder on that question while I continue with my presentation. Last year SGI had stated that we have the highest deaths in vehicle accidents in Canada and they do not understand why. Yet I am sure everyone in this room can tell you the exact reason why, BAD Drivers, simple really. In this province we have: 1. Police that do not give out tickets except on a blitz week. 2. We have people who on a regular basis run red lights and stop signs when making right hand turns 3. On a regular basis I can count as many as 30 people who are using their cell phone while driving, and that is only what I have seen on Albert street on my way home to Lumsden, never mind the ones I see on highway 11. 4. Every morning and every evening coming and going from Lumsden 100's and I mean 100's of vehicles are travelling at speeds in excess of 125 km when the speed is only 110 km. I am lucky if I see 1 get pulled over. 5. People driving with their pets sitting on their laps jumping around, People with their kids on their laps, kids jumping up and down in vehicles, people putting on makeup while driving or reading the newspaper.... 6. Last year a gentleman stood up here and stated he bought a certain type of trike because it was safer than motorcycles, unfortunately this is the kind of mindset SGI is propogating, that a style of motorcycle is why accidents happen and should cost more to insure, when in fact the reason for accidents is the driver or rider, not what they are driving or riding. 7. One last story, the school speed limit in Lumsden is 30 km/h, a student was caught doing twice the legal limit in a school zone and was let off with a simple warning. These are the streets our children walk on and even though he was only doing 60 km/h he was doing DOUBLE the posted limited. Letting him off with nothing more than a warning is certainly not teaching him anything, we as a community need to be firm with our police forces, WE WANT BAD Drivers charged, licences taken away, more and better driver education. Why does it always take someone getting killed to get the dialogue going, why not do something now instead of raising rates, training people to be better drivers. Do I need to go on, or is it yet painfully obvious why we have the most deaths by vehicles. Throwing money at a problem rarely solves the problem and more often than not will cause more of a problem. So those are a few of my reasons but I didn't come here just to complain so here are some of my opinions on suggested solutions. 1. Mandatory lic retesting every 5 years for everyone, if you fail you have to take a mandatory driving course and retest. 2. Mandatory motorcycle training before being able to get your motorcycle lic. 3. We need serious changes in our licincing laws, every infraction, every accident, everything should go on a persons personal lic period. - vehicles do not cause accident the people driving them do. 4. If a person has their lic suspended they should have their car impounded because as of now suspended drivers ignore the fact they don't have a lic and drive anyways, We as a community who are striving for saver roads and hwy, need to get BAD Drivers off the road and we need to do it now, not tomorrow These are only a few things I believe can be done to improve the safety of our roads and Hwys. It seems to me that the rate hikes are more about money than they are about saving lives and isn't that what this is all about, saving lives, making Saskatchewan a safer place to live and bring up a family.

07-Apr-2014 Facebook

When we ride we get cutoff buy cars and trucks and were the ones getting punished canada is getting to be the worst place to live at a price increase like this is Teribal all are bikes will be worth nothing no one needs to have a grade 12 education to no that is not right you need to rethink this out
