The following posts on the Saskatchewan Auto Fund 2014 rate proposal have been moderated to remove any personal information that would identify the person posting, and to remove any objectionable language. Comments are being posted dynamically after being moderated, so if you don't see your post right away, check back again. It may appear in the next batch of moderated posts.



DateSubmitted ViaComments
23-Mar-2014 Email

Dear Saskatchewan Government Insurance.

I  strongly disagree with your unjust increase of motorcycle insurance rates.  The statistics do not support this increase and we feel as if we are being chastised for being a minority.  I suggest increasing the insurance of people who are found to be at fault due to undue care and attention.


22-Mar-2014 Email

Why is it that the province over in Alberta, they're light years ahead in giving insurance for their motorcycles an other vehicles (They're fair), compared to Saskatchewan, which is at a staggering, UNaffordable, and over priced insurances. I find what you did with this whole situation childish and you didn't even lift a finger to help with this issue. Major fail! Throwing money at this issue is not going to fix it. We both know this, so why not do what you were elected to do ... SGI is making motorcyclists look like outlaws, etc, when in reality these folks are your neighbor, your policeman.woman, and regular folks. It's a shame and I'm sick of it. How am I supposed to afford $230.00 a month to plate a motorcycle? The cost of living is going up and everything is going up (groceries, gas, bills, rent, etc) but my wage isn't going anywhere. The whole way SGI, is going about this issue is PATHETIC! and the way you're handling this issue is also pathetic. It's true. I respect you but this has got to end. I will end up going to the province over/ moving there because of this gibberish you guys have been playing. 

22-Mar-2014 Feedback form

Been a motorcycle rider in this province for over 35 years and now you expect me to pay 1786.00 to license a 1997 Harley Davidson touring bike. SGI is being absolutely ridiculous. I will license in Alberta this year for half of this and get the same coverage. I've had enough of me paying for SGI's screw ups and not training new riders. SGI has failed big time on this one

22-Mar-2014 Email

This is absolute bullcrap! !!  15% increase? ?  You're making it hard for me to get back into riding again....what the hell is the point anymore? ?  I'm literally at the end of my rope.  It's so expensive to ride, I'll NEVER get my damn license! !  Oooo I am so mad right now....  I wanted to eventually park my car and just ride my bike all Summer....but put all of us bikers in one think we are all bad asses out breaking the far from it!! 

22-Mar-2014 Email

To whom it may concern: As an experienced motorcycle rider with a clean driving record, I am very disappointed to hear that insurance rates will increase yet again. Motorcycle rates are disproportionate to the value of bikes when compared to other vehicles. Accidents are the fault of drivers, not the type of vehicle they choose to drive. I see drivers of cars and trucks talking on cell phones while driving on a daily basis, yet once again, motorcyclists are considered a greater hazard to others. Really? Why has common sense been abandoned in the quest for a simplistic solution to road safety? Please do the right thing for a change, and penalize the bad drivers, not the type of vehicle that is the most convenient (and most politically correct) target. Sincerely,

22-Mar-2014 Email

Dear Sir/MadamI am writing to express my concern over what I consider an unfair increase to safe drivers. A blanket policy of upping everyone's rates is discriminatory and punishes all for the actions of some. The bad drivers deserve to pay for their actions in higher rates, mandatory education and testing and perhaps suspension of their license subject to infraction. I support mandatory safety courses for new motorcycle riders as well. Thank You

22-Mar-2014 Email

Hello, this just to put in my two cents on your once again rising rates.. I currently ride a 2006 Suzuki motorcycle. I have a good driving record and a discount of 14%. However, I still currently pay $185 a month. My rate wasn't near as high when I first bought the bike and began riding so it was worth it for me. Now though, it is soon to be over $200 a month and is just no longer worth it to me. I have my bike up for sale and will no longer be paying for insurance through you. I will in the future, however, move to Alberta, buy a bike again and pay a rate that is actually reasonable to drive it. My significant other is also considering selling his bike due these outrageous insurance rates in fact I have spoke with many people who are thinking the same. We love riding but we do not love being bullied by our government who is making us out to be the bad guys in the situation! And FYI I don't buy any of your bull shit excuses about how the motorcyclists are emptying the auto fund. Both you and I know that is bull shit. Anyways, I hope you enjoy losing probably quite a few customers over the course of the next couple years. You have lost me that is for sure.

22-Mar-2014 Email

Contact from R.A.G.E. - no message included

22-Mar-2014 Email

My son just registered a. 2014 Suzuki 650 in Alberta where he lives, he has had one impaired in 2009 in Sask but nothing since. It cost him. $318 for one year with 1 million liability full comprehensive fire theft etc. My 2000 Electra Glide Harley will costs me. $150 per month here! I have a clean record! Thanks Brad , I guess I will move to Alberta, I have lived here all my life and worked and payed taxes and am now retired. This is Socialism at its best ! We pay for others bad driving habits , I voted for free choice where is it ! Let the private company's in to compete and let SGI compete like the resource industry please. We have been forced to deal with this dictatorship long enough! Thank you!

22-Mar-2014 Email

This is nonsense. Simply raising rates on bikes will not solve any issue, at worst it will just make a few people ride with no insurance... What needs to be happening is rates on a per individual basis, high claim drivers pay more obviously. Or start going after the car drivers that cause most of the bike accidents... Us bike riders have 7-8 months of snow to deal with before we can get on our bikes, these exorbitant rates are just kicking us when we are down. Thank you.

22-Mar-2014 Email

To whom it may concern;                    As I researched the cost of insurance for the upcoming motorcycle season, I was quite shocked to discover that my rates for my nearly 20 year old machine have increased just shy of $50.00 per month or $600.00 per year. This is very onerous as I have the maximum sfaety rating of 0 and cannot understand the reasoning behind this huge increase. I use my bike for commuting to work ( about a 40km round trip ) every day I possibly can. This can save me quite a bit of fuel as opposed to my other vehicle. My driving record is perfect, not so much as a seatbelt, speeding or parking ticket for that matter. The question is why should I have to pay for others that are not as careful or are causing the fund financial hardship? It should not be a simple matter of user pay ( i am willing to pay what is fair ) but the abusers must pay their larger share as they are the ones putting all of us in a bad position. Please reconsider this massive and unfair jump in my and all other responsible riders rates.

22-Mar-2014 Email

I am stunned and appalled by your choice to increase the motorcycle insurance rates. My 2008 650cc sport bike costs over $2000/yr to plate. I paid $3700 for my motorcycle last year. Does this make sense to you? We will not stop showing our concern as motorcycle riders. Have some common sense and come up with another option for your profits.

22-Mar-2014 Email

$1993 for an 09 dyna?  This is absolutely preposterous.  Come on!   Really? Enough of the BULLYING.   Due to the increase I guarantee they will be losing riders which in result is less cash flow.  Which in turn means they will have to increase it more again.  Motorcycles DO NOT cause the majority of motorcycle related accidents.  MOTORCYCLE riding requires alot of attention. It's the motorists in cars and trucks that are not paying enough attention to what is going on around them.  When motorists are causing these accidents the claims should be drawn from there fund and put against the cars and trucks.  NOT the motorcycle fund.  Obviously the majority of Sgi employees and the rare review panel have never ridden a motorcycle and do not realize how frustrating it is to be the ones being punished. Absolutely frustrated,

21-Mar-2014 Email


Motorcycle Training. I recommend to ALL new riders. I took my motorcycle course and passed with flying colors. I wouldn’t be the rider I am today if I hadn’t taken that course. My instructor commented how she liked my techniques.
This is SCARY…..  My daughter who is 17 and a beginner driver can march right into SGI, write her motorcycle exam and walk out and ride! If she fails, she just keeps coming back with her money and writes again. You have got to be kidding me. She is still learning how to drive on 4 wheels let alone 2. SGI and society ever wonder why we have terrible riders. It’s because of this. NO TRAINING!!!!!!!!!  SGI stabbed themselves in the foot with this one. Who in their right mind would let a beginner on a bike with JUST a road test, SGI would. I DO NOT want my daughter on a motorcycle with NO training. Privatization…. Biggest mistake yet! You monopolize the industry!

When I wrote my motorcycle exam there were other nationalities (young/old/foreigners/white/black) taking their learners exam. Some people could NOT even read the screen, I saw the man behind the desk helping them with their words. I was APPAULED! And that is who SGI lets on the streets!!!! (applause)

Who is SGI letting drive/ride here; My 17 year old who can hop on bike with just a written exam and a foreigner from another country who can’t speak or read English.

AND… you want to increase the rates for motorcycles. This is absurd. You caused this yourself yet want to BLAME motorcyclists.

Do you ever wonder why our pipes are loud? Because it’s SGI that gave them the license/learners and who can’t drive worth a dam!!!! AND we get the backlash! A two year makes better sense!

This needs to be considered and considered wisely. We the riders ride in rally’s to support several causes and donate money to charities. The slogan “LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES” was not created because there was nothing better to do!  FACT!!!

If I get cut off one more time by a foreigner, old person or anybody to that fact,  I will take action into my own hands.  I ride my motorcycle because I enjoy it, not to die! You always hear of bikes going down. IT’S THE RIDERS FAULT AGAIN! Society is lead to believe it’s ALWAYS the rider.  You want to increase my rates…why? You want to put a limit on pipes? Because you don’t want to be accountable for your STUPID system and policies. TARGET THE PROBLEM AND NOT EVERY RIDER!!

I will continue with my bike and my pipes. If you can’t see me you will dam well hear me!

21-Mar-2014 Email

I AM ABSOLUTELY OPPOSED TO SGI'S 2014 RATE PROPOSAL!!! SGI did not listen the the Rate Review Panel last year and raised our rates 15% already! On top of 30% in 2012! SGI needs to roll-back our rates to pre-2012. Our rates need to stay here until the results of the implemented recommendations are known. SGI has stated the changes being implemented will have an impact of reducing death and injury from motorcycle crashes by 20%. SGI needs to move all things that are "personal" to me to my driver's licence. OUR personal insurance and and personal driving demerits should be on OUR own drivers licences. NOT the vehicle we drive! Why do I continue to pay for bad drivers? SGI needs to listen to the SRRP. MY RATE increase for my motorcycle should be zero! THAT is what SRRP suggested, that is what SGI promised! Sincerely,

21-Mar-2014 Feedback form

The proposed motorcycle rate increase is ridiculous. If motorcycle insurance in private markets can be 80% cheaper than SGI, you are doing something wrong with your calculation of risk and application of premiums. Also, other jurisdictions take effective measures to improve safety - such as training and strict licencing requirements. Rather than requiring more training or higher skill to pass the test, you're simply charging people more. SGI is unfair to the safe drivers and we have no other option than SGI's monopoly.

20-Mar-2014 Email

I am absolutely opposed to S.G.I.’s 2014 Rate Proposal!!. It is unfounded and offensive!!!This S.G.I. Monopoly is Extorting the people, I believe the Criminal Code of Canada states that Extortion is illegal,  even if the one doing the Extorting is the Government. All must be held accountable. I believe there are still some good elected officials left in our Government, who our there to do their actual job (Be the voice of the people). I sincerely hope this letter finds it's way to them.I am concerned, angry and quite dissapointed with Premier Wall, and the Provincial Government for permitting S.G.I. to continue to flagrantly ignore the investigation, and implementation, of a real and long term sustainable public policy that would end this continuous cycle of Autofund rate increases. The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel (SRRP) has made numerous recommendations and suggestions in recent years regarding alternative courses of action to curb escalating accident levels, and injury, and fatality costs. These costs are a direct result of individuals high-risk driving behavior, not the general population. S.G.I.’s inability to effectively deal with this issue, and manage the Auto fund, means the burden then falls directly on the shoulders of Saskatchewan taxpayers, year after year!!!...To me it seems this is just another revenue ploy by our governing body, for every corrupt agenda there is a false illusion of good intent.Issues Summary:S.G.I. has simply refused to take alternative and appropriate action with respect to the root cause of rising Auto Fund costs, high-risk vehicle operators.Long term changes in public policy such as appropriate financial penalties, an effective revision of the operators license demerit/reward system, license suspension, criminal charges still appear absent from SGI’s proposal. In place of effective public policy focused on safety, driver behavior, financial stability and recovery focused directly towards offending individuals, we have SGI returning yet again to the same old practice of forcing the taxpayers of this province to bear the burden of SGI inability to manage, the Auto Fund effectively. General rate increases year after year has neither made drivers in Saskatchewan more responsible, nor safe. Saskatchewan roads and highways are even less safe than previous years, evidenced by fatality statistics, which continue to climb. How long must the people of this province bear the financial brunt of S.G.I.’s inability to effectively initiate public policy that would make our streets and roads safer for everybody??I have included for your consideration, what I and other R.A.G.E. members believe to be a sound long term solution to the escalating accident, injury and death rates in this province. It is a behavior shaping, forward looking policy that puts consequences for behavior of high-risk motorists squarely on the shoulders of the individual where it belongs. This forward looking proposal mirrors policies and practices adopted in other jurisdictions and private enterprise. Strong public policy should reflect accountability and responsibility and not provide a masked socialist blanket, that protects offenders, and penalizes safety conscious taxpayers.R.A.G.E.'s Proposal (summary);License Demerits- Place financial demerits on high-risk drivers "driver's license" not the license plate, thereby initiating both an effective behavior shaping policy and a appropriately focused revenue stream.- Raise the dollar value on the demerit points to where they are more in line with to-days costs, and present a very real and effective consequence for high-risk driving behavior.- Extend the time-frame of demerit fees from a "one-time" cost, to multi-year financial demerit system, the time frame of which is commensurate with the severity of the offence.License Suspension- Reduce the number of driving infraction demerits an individual can accumulate on their driver's license before their license is suspended.- Demerits and fines associated with driving offence demerits must remain in effect through-out the term of suspension.Criminal Charges- Review the criteria for criminal charges related accidents, injury, and high-risk behavior causing death.Law Enforcement- Request law enforcement be more diligent in assessing fault and charging individuals "at the scene". According to law enforcement statisticians, police officers seldom assess fault, or charge individuals at the scene of an accident unless alcohol is involved.Conclusion:1. Penalties for high-risk behavior would be appropriately focused and provide a substantial revenue stream, releaving the burden on the taxpayer.2. Consequences of individual actions would be felt directly by, and only by the offending party.3. Effective consequences have the potential to shape public behavior, or remove the offending individual from the ability to initiate risk, thereby increasing safety, reducing accidents, injury and fatalities, and stem escalating Auto Fund costs.

20-Mar-2014 Feedback form

Thank you for taking the time to read and post my comments and the opportunity to provide input on the SGI Auto Fund review. SGI has had 85% rate increases in four previous rate increases. Enough is enough, it is time for the bad drivers, motorcycle and other vehicles to be paying for their bad driving. I have a good driving record and should not be paying the same rate that someone that has a poor driving record. It is time to move the rate calculations from what people drive to how people drive. Please turn down the rate increase SGI has requested. They were given 15% last year and said this year there would be no rate increase for motorcycle in 2014. No here we are again and SGI is asking for another rate increase.

20-Mar-2014 Email

Sgi has gouged motorcycle riders very heavily over the last 2 years. Last year after public outcry a committee was formed that made recommendations to sgi to reduce costs from motorcycle collisions. Sgi only agreed to a few and promised not to increase rates until a reasonable period of time had elapsed so as to measure the impact of the new changes. These changes did not come into effect until 2014 and now they are asking for more money which is unreasonable. Please deny this change or force sgi to fully implement the committee recommendations especially mandatory training or better still let me but my insurance from someone other than sgi because motorcycle insurance is cheaper everywhere except Saskatchewan. Thank you in advance.

20-Mar-2014 Email I am a lady motorcycle rider in Saskatchewan and quite appalled at what is happening to our constantly increasing rates!  I believe that those causing the accidents (people) not bikes should be penalized for their actions.  That goes for whether someone rides a bike or a car.  These increased premiums should NOT be tied to our plates, but to people.  Stricter penalties also need to be put into place for those that DO cause accidents, especially REPEAT offenders.  I am tired of subsidizing bad drivers!

Equally those motorcycle/automobile drivers with good clean driving histories should be rewarded with more generous discounts and lower premium rates.   There should be no more general rate increases.  It’s ridiculous and ineffective. 

PLEASE help stop this madness!

SGI you also need to put an even greater focus on your PSA efforts to make motor vehicle drives more aware of us motorcyclists.  I don’t know how many times I was almost a victim of an accident due to a driver of a car not shoulder checking or using their mirrors.  They just don’t seem to notice us!

The noise bylaw is also unfairly being targeted at motorcycles.  I can list off several other things I hear daily on a drive through the city that should be expected to follow a noise bylaw first!  Louder pipes on our bikes is our only HOPE at being noticed by these vehicle drivers.  I firmly believe that “LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES”.
20-Mar-2014 Feedback form

I am a lady motorcycle rider in Saskatchewan and quite appalled at what is happening to our constantly increasing rates! I believe that those causing the accidents (people) not bikes should be penalized for their actions. That goes for whether someone rides a bike or a car. These increased premiums should NOT be tied to our plates, but to people. Stricter penalites also need to be put into place for those that cause accidents. Equally those motorcyle/automobile drivers with good clean driving histories should be rewarded with more generous discounts and lower premium rates. PLEASE stop this madness and put an even greater focus on your PSA efforts to make motor vehicle drives more aware of us motorcyclists. I dont know how many times I was almost a victim of an accident due to a driver of a car not shoulder checking or using their mirrors.

20-Mar-2014 Email

To Whom it may concern I am speaking to you about the SGI application to increase motorcycle rates. ANY application to increase their motocycle rates should be turned down,FLAT! They have wildly increased rates on motorcycle over the last few years andhavnt followed through on the statements they have made, or recommendations made by the Rate Review Panel. THey want to raise rates again without waiting to see what the previous rates would do do help their situation, PLUS they have done nothing from their end to work on ways to reduce expenses. I beleive SGI should be made to reduce rates for motorcycles because rates have already more that doubled over the last while. SGI needs to overhaul their system of administrating and charge the bad drivers for the accidents and personal injury protection to their drivers liceneces NOT on every vehicle. I should not have to pay for personal injury protection on every vehicle I own when I have protection for that already through my work insurance plan. Thanks for allowing me to voice my concerns, Looking forward to seeing you at the meetings in Regina.

20-Mar-2014 Email

I am opposed to the proposed SGI rate increase. Safe driving and riding needs to be the focus, not blanket increases. Those of us who are responsible riders should not be penalized for the people in cars who are talking or texting, eating, doing their hair, yelling at their kids etc and not paying attention. The increases over the past few years have already been astronomical and adding another increase to the table is not only unreasonable, it is also unfair. Please do not increase motorcycle insurance rates again.


20-Mar-2014 Email

I DO NOT want to pay for someone else's HI-RISK behavior!!!!!!!! DO NOT punish good drivers for someone else's stupidity!!!!!! HI-RISK drivers should be charged accordingly and it should be their responsibility!!!!! This is COMMON SENSE! Why is this so hard to comprehend?! This is a NO BRAINER! NO general rate increases!!!! Thank You Sent from my iPhone

20-Mar-2014 Email

These new rates are not fair
