The following posts on the Saskatchewan Auto Fund 2014 rate proposal have been moderated to remove any personal information that would identify the person posting, and to remove any objectionable language. Comments are being posted dynamically after being moderated, so if you don't see your post right away, check back again. It may appear in the next batch of moderated posts.



DateSubmitted ViaComments
19-Mar-2014 Email

I've been riding motorcycle's for 45 years and I'm being treated like a inexperienced rider and pay these high , unfair rates ?

19-Mar-2014 Email

When is enough enough!

I am a female rider. I took the SGI accredited motorcycle training course and passed my road exam with flying colors. I have been riding for 3 years going on 4 and really enjoy it and I am quite proud of myself. I participate in several charity rides, especially the teddy bear run and ride for dad. I don’t ride the best motorcycle but I ride. This is a new passion for me.

Why all the huff about increases….. bad riders….etc!

I was just about killed by a lady who WAS NOT paying attention. I was just about hit on Spadina crescent as some taxi driver changing lanes did not shoulder check. I was just about hit when an OLD man changed lanes without looking. I thank the lord each and every day to keep me safe and say a prayer each time I get on my bike. I’m not worried about my riding. I have become a VERY defensive rider and driver. I’m worried about the idiot beside me who is NOT paying attention. So when I have to speed up or slow down to get out of his blind spot I’m the bad rider, I’m the loud biker. That takes me to loud pipes. DUH! If the IDIOT beside me ain’t paying attention perhaps he/she will if they hear me. Not all motorists are idiot drivers but for the most part they are. Now there is the debate about loud pipes. Good God!!!! Rates and pipes. Being a woman and conquering a fear of riding, this brings me to tears. I feel what I enjoy is being taken away from me. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke but I ride. I JUST want to enjoy my life. I’m not hurting anyone. I don’t make much money so taking this away will kill me. I ride 4 months out of the year.

If I asked you what your passion was and told you that you could only enjoy a quarter of it because I didn’t like it, how would that make you feel? What if you were told that you could not plant a garden because the neighbor didn’t like it. Would that affect you? You would be hurt, angry and discouraged. Well… so are we!

I hold this debate in god’s hands.   However, I feel my fate is signed and sealed just not delivered yet!

Thank you

19-Mar-2014 Voicemail

To me it look at another point of order for the government. If this is if the government was a private insurance company or loan company on broker of some kind. The amount of the raise the rates in the last 2 years will be a criminal fence under usually please consider this. Thank you."

18-Mar-2014 Feedback form

It is unfair that poor drivers insurance rates are subsidized by good drivers insurance rates. Motorcycle insurance rates are already bordering on 'unaffordable'. This will tempt people to ride 'illegally'. Nobody wants this outcome. . My insurance rates should be based on MY driving record NOT the record of everyone that drives the same brand/type of vehicle as me. It is actually unbelievable that this has gone on this long

18-Mar-2014 Feedback form

I would like to thank SGI for their effort to stop motorcycling in Saskatchewan.You are close but then you'll have to keep on raising AUTO insurance when the biker's are gone. Maybe this is the way you'll find out who's really causing the short fall in your fund,people in vehicles that don't stop at stop signs,talk on cell phones,change lanes without looking etc.Stop being reactive be proactive.

18-Mar-2014 Email

Quit paying injury claims that have no basis in law that require they need paying and since when do the people of this province have to bow down to the whims of a few hundred motorcycle riders who don't want to pay what they owe. You may also want to put a little bite into the questionable practices of some of your autobody repair shops when you know dam well that they're hosing you. These three simple actions will keep us well in the black with no rate increase. Next time you have  a problem instead of convening a panel you can just drop me a line, I'll send you solutions at half the price.

18-Mar-2014 Feedback form

Please record my objection to proposed increases for motorcycle registration. I have been a licensed rider for forty years and have been claim free all those years. Please do not penalize me for the acts of irresponsible or uneducated riders. I believe an increase to my licensing is unfair and unjust. Forget the no fault idea and make those who are responsible accountable. As an added note, motorcyclists raise more money for charity than governments. It would be a pity for me to not be able to support the charities that I have given to so freely over the years.

18-Mar-2014 Voicemail

I just wanted to express my concern about a general rate increase. Only bad drivers should be penalised accordingly. Not the rest of us and enough is enough and I would appreciate a call back. That's my cell phone but that's the best way to reach me and leave a message and again my name is_____. I do rent a motorcycle and I also drive a car. So I'm very aware of the impact on this. Thank you."

18-Mar-2014 Voicemail

I'm calling to let the rate(?) review panel note that we'd had enough. Enough is enough for ___. The motorcyclist particularly in this project that hav continuous rate increases and so for and this is not a solution. It's not the problem. We have escalating rates. Injuries. Fatalities in this province and SGI is ___ their duty. There is a right risk driving element that is being crossed subsidies by the rest of the premium and and insurance payers and taxes fares to this province. If the ___ review panel has ___ recommendations and suggested in which are being ignored year after year after year and we are trying to help you help us but you're going to have to stand up and also say enough is enough. There's another way. Let's make those people accountable for their driving record and behaviours. You can do it financially which will create a revenue stream that would take care of this problem. It's not that hard to do. Enough"

18-Mar-2014 Email

Hello,I'm just writing to say that I am very disappointed and displeased to hear that SGI wants to increase motorcycle rates again.  If SGI is losing as much money as they claim by insuring motorcycle riders, maybe they should only handle the registration of motorcycles, and open up the insurance aspect to private companies.  Private insurance in other parts of the country have no problem offering reasonable rates while maintaining profitability. Although I'm not even sure why I am writing to this panel, since SGI seems to do whatever it wants anyways.

18-Mar-2014 Email

I AM ABSOLUTELY OPPOSED TO SGI'S 2014 RATE PROPOSAL!!! I am angry that SGI continues to ignore the complete suggestions and recommendations of the SRRP and that our government does nothing about this! 1. SGI needs to roll-back our rates to pre-2012. Our rates need to stay here until the results of the implemented recommendations are known. SGI has stated the changes being implemented will have an impact of reducing death and injury from motorcycle crashes by 20%. 2. SGI needs to move all things that are "personal" to me to my driver's licence. My own personal injury and wage replacement insurance don't belong on my vehicle plates. It is for ME not my vehicle. All my own driving infractions should be on MY drivers licence, NOT my vehicle. - If someone else gets in an accident and is injured while driving my vehicle "their" insurance is used not mine, yet MY plates may go up because of THEIR driving!!! - It is too easy for BAD DRIVERS to have someone else register their vehicles with a "safe driving discount" with little to no consequences for their own actions. Yet I continue to pay for this! SGI needs to listen to the SRRP. MY RATE increase for my motorcycle should be zero! THAT is what SRRP suggested, that is what SGI promised!  S

18-Mar-2014 Email

Once again, we ask that you return SGI's proposal for increase in rates. SGI's continuous reaction of increasing rates, based on actuarial projections rather than actual facts has  proven to be a disaster, which not only does not competently deal with the problem, but are also totally unfair to the motoring public.Any rate increase should be based on the personal driving record of an operator, not the class of vehicle. Vehicles do not cause accidents, any more that guns cause death; it is always the operator.

18-Mar-2014 Email

I need to voice my concerned over the upcoming rate increase, SGI needs to understand that they can't keep coming to the motorcycle community , when there are better , more effective ways to fund the insurance shortfall, it is time for them to understand that they must listen to the public, or the government must allow private insurance into the province. I have 2 motorcycles, one in Sk, that will cost me 130.00 a month, and one in AZ, that will cost me 20.00 a month, and just so you know, I have a great driving record, and receive the 20% discount! I have also been riding a motorcycle for 48 years. Please do what is right and stop SGI ! Thank you

17-Mar-2014 Feedback form

Please do not allow another rate increase to proceed for SGI. If SGI would give the public the choice of accepting or refusing wage replacement it would decrease the cost of our insurance. There are many companies that have an excellent benefits package for employees, including an extended sick leave plan. A large portion of the benefits that SGI pays our is for wage replacement after an accident. That cost would be reduced greatly if they would allow the employers benefits to cover that cost. Please refuse SGI another rate increase for motorcycles and all vehicles. They have enough rate increases, now it is time for them to make some changes in how they do business. Instead of SGI always going after the paying public for more money, look internally and how the do business and manage money.

17-Mar-2014 Email

I recently inquired on how much my plates will be for my motorcycle. I was completely floored...........since I purchased my bike my plates have officially MORE than doubled. This is insanity if not outright robbery. The justifications for this disgusting action (on the part of SGI) have not held up to scrutiny. Please advise on the best course to further voice my opposition to this.

16-Mar-2014 Email

As you know, in 2013, the Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel recommended rebalancing affecting motorcycle rates be delayed until results of the MC Review Committee were known and any changes IMPLEMENTED that might achieve greater fairness in MC rates. SGI ignored the recommendation and increased MC rates by 15 percent. This hike in rates took place BEFORE the MC Review Committee Report was even written! Cartmell, SGI Pesident, stated to the public in a News Conference for the release of the MC Review Committee and Public Survey results that there would not be an increase in 2014 for motorcycles in order for there to be time for MC Committee initiatives to have impact on claims. Cartmell went back on his word!! SGI proposes a 6.4 percent increase in 2014 to the SRRP. The reason given is that this increase is required in order to be "fair" to all vehicle owners!! Where was fairness to MC owners when our rates were increased: 2007 15 percent!! 2009 25 percent!! 2012 30 percent!! 2013 15 percent!! TOTAL.........85 percent!!! And now they want another 6.4 percent!!! In fairness, MC rates need to be rolled back at least to pre-2012. SGI ignored recommendations of the SRRP for safety studies and education for years while fatalities rose in Saskatchewan. SGI raised rates exorbitantly and did NOTHING to improve/change outcomes. The unbelievable increases need to be ROLLED BACK!! The SRRP needs to report directly to the Premiere in order to eliminate a Conflict of Interest. SRRP does a report on SGI proposals for the Minister Responsible for SGI. This is no way to protect the interests of the Public!! The SRRP has proven to be a toothless watch dog for motorcyclists in Saskatchewan - please take meaningful action!

16-Mar-2014 Email

SGI is once again targeting good drivers and ignoring the real problems.  An across the board "average increase" of 5% is again, unacceptable.  I've been a licenced driver for almost 25 years.  I haven't had a traffic violation in close to 20 years, yet with the exception of the good driver discount given by SGI, there is no difference between my rate and the rate of an inexperienced or high risk driver.  Last year SGI used the term "subsidize" to get public opinion on their side in regards to the rate increase, yet nothing is being done to improve traffic safety, vehicle safety or driver responsibilities.  There is absolutely no excuse for a driver with multiple infractions, impaired driving convictions, or other dangerous driving habits to be paying the same for insurance as the general public.  I can understand that SGI does need to cover costs, with labour rates increasing, etc. but it does seem quite hypocritical to increase rates when there is a lot of internal "waste" within SGI.  I have persoanlly witnessed at a local claims center staff working no more than 3-4 hours per day, with the rest of the day spent on coffee breaks, smoke breaks and lunches.  Then there is the "other" wage issue.........does the managerial body at SGI really need to make the salary they do??   I feel that more public consultations are needed, and in more areas.  I mean, I live 2 hours from Regina and 3.5 hours fron Saskatoon and with increase after increase there is no way I can afford to take time off work to drive to these so called "public input" meetings.  Why aren't these being held in more cities??  That would give everyone in the province a chance to have their voice heard.  It would make no sense to have meetings in, for example, Regina, Moose Jaw and Swift Current but it would be fair to have public consultation meetings in more cities JUST LIKE OTHER RATE REVIEWS (ie. Saskpower).  I'm curious as to why this isn't being done??   In closing, it seems that, generally speaking, these rate reviews are another waste of time and money, as the SRRP has no real power to effect any change anyways.  Despite reccomendations made year after year, SGI continues to be mismanaged and money hungry and has a "we can do what we want" attitude.  One big question I would like answered (as well as I'm sure others want to know) is "How is it possible that SGI Canada can show a profit insuring vehicles at a lower cost than SGI autofund (Less than 1/2 in some cases) despite revenues made by salvage operations?" 

15-Mar-2014 Facebook

Good day. First let me ask why are they raising the rates again rather than seeing if the new policy's for M/Cs work to lower the accident rate. One of my biggest concerns is why I am paying Personal injury on each and every vehicle I own? I should have to pay it once, say on my drivers license. It really comes down to a money grab which I am getting really tired of. I am forced to pay for wage replacement when in fact I am retired and would never collect on that part of the policy. So why am I forced to pay for something I will never collect on...another money grab. Shouldn't people who have a bad driver record be paying their portion and not just a minimal amount but something that truly reflects their driving habits and behavior.Or lose their driving privileges totally. I think if that was the case them we could save lives as well accidents. What I see is SGI's fix is just to raise rates rather than take a pro-active approach to fixing the problem. I think it is time change driver behavior rather than just keep up the money grab. If you have a tire that keeps going flat would you just keep adding air or would you find out why it is losing air and fix it!!! I for one am tired of pumping up SGI's tire.

13-Mar-2014 Facebook

I really appreciated seeing the 'Suggestion' in last year's SRRP findings report that SGI not increase rates for motorcycles any further until claims management was implemented and evaluated. However, the use of 'suggestion' rather than 'recommendation' was a kid glove approach which SGI unsurprisingly took advantage of. Diplomacy has failed here, folks. They want to bring in more cash instead of bringing down the claims costs. It's up to the SRRP and the legislature to stop them, before they quite intentionally price the motorcycle industry right out of Saskatchewan.

13-Mar-2014 Facebook

SGI needs to focus on the high-risk drivers in Saskatchewan and leave the good drivers - riders alone. A rate increase for all is not a solution to a problem that they are well aware off.

13-Mar-2014 Facebook

Thank goodness they did that ubi trial so we don't just have blanket rate increases. God forbid we jack the rates up for the unsafe riders and cut the good riders some slack...

13-Mar-2014 Facebook

Public meetings are fine when you live in Regina! I can't afford to take time off work and drive 400 kilometers each way to attend meetings. I would like to know why when my son in law in Alberta rides the same size bike as I do (102 cubic inch cruisers), we both have clean driving records, he pays $400.00 less than I do for insurance & plates. its time for private insurance in Saskatchewan.

13-Mar-2014 Feedback form

General rate increases year after year has neither made drivers in Saskatchewan more responsible, nor safe. Saskatchewan roads and highways are even less safe than previous years, evidenced by fatality statistics, which continue to climb. How long must the people of this province bear the financial brunt of SGI’s inability to effectively initiate public policy that would make our streets and roads safer for everybody?

13-Mar-2014 Feedback form

As to the rate review on motorcycles. These rate increases seem to be harsh and narrow of focus.

12-Mar-2014 Email

I am absolutely opposed to S.G.I.’s 2014 Rate Proposal!!I am concerned, and angry at Premier Wall, and the Provincial Government for permitting S.G.I. to continue to flagrantly ignoring investigation, and implementation, of a real and long term sustainable public policy that would end this continuous cycle of Autofund rate increases. The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel (SRRP) has made numerous recommendations and suggestions in recent years regarding alternative courses of action to curb escalating accident levels, and injury, and fatality costs. These costs are a direct result of individuals high-risk driving behavior, not the general population. S.G.I.’s inability to effectively deal with this issue, and manage the Auto fund, means the burden then falls directly on the shoulders of Saskatchewan taxpayers, year after year!!!Issues Summary:SGI has simply refused to take alternative and appropriate action with respect to the root cause of rising Auto Fund costs, high-risk vehicle operators. Long term changes in public policy such as appropriate financial penalties, an effective revision of the operators license demerit/reward system, license suspension, criminal charges still appear absent from SGI’s proposal. In place of effective public policy focused on safety, driver behavior, financial stability and recovery focused directly towards offending individuals, we have SGI returning yet again to the same old practice of forcing the taxpayers of this province to bear the burden of SGI inability to manage, the Auto Fund effectively. 2) General rate increases year after year has neither made drivers in Saskatchewan more responsible, nor safe. Saskatchewan roads and highways are even less safe than previous years, evidenced by fatality statistics, which continue to climb. How long must the people of this province bear the financial brunt of SGI’s inability to effectively initiate public policy that would make our streets and roads safer for everybody??I have included for your consideration, what I believe to be a sound long term solution to the escalating accident, injury and death rates in this province. It is a behavior shaping, forward looking policy that puts consequences for behavior of high-risk motorists squarely on the shoulders of the individual where it belongs. This forward looking proposal mirrors policies and practices adopted in other jurisdictions and private enterprise. Strong public policy should reflect accountability and responsibility and not provide a masked socialist blanket, that protects offenders, and penalizes safety conscious taxpayers.R.A.G.E.'s Proposal (summary);License Demerits- Place financial demerits on high-risk drivers "driver's license" not the license plate, thereby initiating both an effective behavior shaping policy and a appropriately focused revenue stream.- Raise the dollar value on the demerit points to where they are more in line with to-days costs, and present a very real and effective consequence for high-risk driving behavior.- Extend the time-frame of demerit fees from a "one-time" cost, to multi-year financial demerit system, the time frame of which is commensurate with the severity of the offence. License Suspension- Reduce the number of driving infraction demerits an individual can accumulate on their driver's license before their license is suspended.- Demerits and fines associated with driving offence demerits must remain in effect through-out the term of suspension.Criminal Charges- Review the criteria for criminal charges related accidents, injury, and high-risk behavior causing death.Law Enforcement- Request law enforcement be more diligent in assessing fault and charging individuals "at the scene". According to law enforcement statisticians, police officers seldom assess fault, or charge individuals at the scene of an accident unless alcohol is involved. Conclusion:1. Penalties for high-risk behavior would be appropriately focused and provide a substantial revenue stream, relieving the burden on the taxpayer.2. Consequences of individual actions would be felt directly by, and only by the offending party.3. Effective consequences have the potential to shape public behavior, or remove the offending individual from the ability to initiate risk, thereby increasing safety, reducing accidents, injury and fatalities, and stem escalating Auto Fund costs.
